Join the Conversation: OpenGovWeek 2024


The global #OpenGovWeek is here! Over the past few years, subnational governance reforms in Nigeria have received a tremendous boost through the States Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Program-for-Results (SFTAS PforR). This initiative has significantly improved the uptake and implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) across various states.

As SFTAS concluded and several states transitioned to new administrations in 2023, there is a growing concern that many of these hard-earned reforms are at risk of being rolled back. This concern is particularly acute in the Niger Delta, where the volume of fiscal flows does not seem to match the level of transparency and openness on the ground.

What can be done to sustain the positive results of SFTAS, especially in the Niger Delta? How can states in the region leverage the gains of SFTAS to enhance OGP implementation?

Join us as we celebrate #OpenGovWeek with an engaging conversation on these crucial topics. Tune in to X Spaces (formerly Twitter) @PolicyAlert.

Let’s work together to ensure the lasting impact of governance reforms in Nigeria.

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